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Jagiellonian Lecture: Dr Stanley Bill at the Polish Embassy, London


Jagiellonian Lecture at the Polish Embassy, London

28 May 2015

Dr Stanley Bill, Lecturer in Polish Studies, delivered a lecture entitled 'Distinctive Voices: Polish Culture in the World' as part of the Jagiellonian Lecture series organised by the Jagiellonian University's Polish Research Centre in London.

The lecturewas introduced by Minister Dariusz Łaska,chargé d'affaires.

Dr Bill emphasised that the distinctiveness of Polish culture lies above all in the Polish language and its productions, making a case for the teaching of Polish at universities in the UK and elsewhere. He discussed the attractiveness of Polish culture topeople from various parts of Europeduringthe sixteenth-centuryGolden Ageas well asthe broad influence of Polish poetry, theatre and film in the twentieth century.

Dr Bill alsoexamineddiverse approaches to the promotionof contemporaryPolish culture abroad,assessing the presenteffectiveness of Polish public diplomacy.


Zuzanna Przybył introduces the Jagiellonian Lecture at the Polish Embassy, London

Chargé d'affaires Minister Dariusz Łaskaintroduces Dr Stanley Bill

Dr Stanley Bill giving theJagiellonian Lecture at the Polish Embassy, London

Dariusz Łaska and Stanley Bill