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Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages and Linguistics


Student Complaints and Examination Reviews

The University has standard procedures for handling and , both of which are detailed on the website of the (OSCCA). The University updated these procedures on 1 October 2017. Details of the Faculty's part in these procedures may be found below.

Student Complaints

The first step of the Student Complaints Procedure is to try to achieve a local resolution. Where appropriate, you should attempt to raise a concern with the responsible staff member. If you do not feel comfortable raising the matter with this person then you should speak or write to the Responsible Officer for the Faculty. You should raise your complaint as soon as it occurs or at least within 28 days of the matter arising. Many issues can be resolved easily and quickly if you communicate your problem to someone.

The Responsible Officers for the Faculty are:

If the response from the staff member or Faculty has not resolved your complaint, or your complaint is so serious that you feel you cannot raise it with the Faculty, you should proceed with the following steps on the of the OSCCA website.

Examination Reviews

The of the OSCCA website details the Examinations Review Procedure, if something went wrong during the examination process or if your personal circumstances affected your examination. It is strongly advised to speak to your College Tutor, or another source of advice/support, before submitting a request for an Examination Review.

Where appropriate under the procedure, requests for reviews will be considered by the relevant Board of Examiners for your Tripos (or Part of Tripos) or Degree Committee. The results of any such reviews will be communicated to you (and any other affected students) via Student Registry.