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Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages and Linguistics


Tobias Barnett

Tobias Barnett_Faculty_Photo



Supervisor: Professor Martin Crowley

Research Topic:

'The Colonial Milieu:Empireand the Architectonics ofModern French Scientific Thought(1830-1962)'

Positioned at the intersection of modern French thought, cultural, intellectual and conceptual history, and the history of empire,Toby's doctoral research exploresinteractions, in late-19th- and early-20th-century France, betweencolonial politics, understandings of human life,and disciplinarity in thenatural and human sciences.

Toby's thesis proposesthat modern French thought's sustained interest in (and exposure to) the human 'milieu'— a concept Georges Canguilhem (1952) famously describedas 'a universal and obligatory mode of apprehending the experience and existence of living things'— expresses itself as aneed to negotiate between competing frames of reference: matter and spirit; the innate and the acquired; humanism and antihumanism; the empirical and the transcendental, to name a few. Withreference toFrench philosophies of medicine, of science and of education, Tobyseeks to affirm the political origins and repercussions of this dynamic in the French context. Specifically, his work considers the fundamental concept of in its interaction withthepractical and epistemic projects of the Second French colonial empire (1830-1962). This particular confrontation, Toby argues, did more than inflect the concept'suse as a way to question relationships between human beings and their surroundings (milieux), often for governmental ends; rather, in its exposure tocolonial reasoning,milieu came toprobe the changing form— and political scope —of philosophical thought,understood as a form of actiongiven shape by life and its political demands.

Examining such figures as François-Joseph-Victor Broussais, Hippolyte Taine, Félix Ravaisson, Alain and Georges Canguilhem in their historical and intellectual context, Toby's research traces imperial genealogies in modern French intellectual culture, castingnew lighton the historical formation—and political mediation — of the modern Frenchsciences humaines. In so doing, Toby seeks to contribute to a growing literature on the colonial histories of modern philosophical thought, and to problematisea renewedinterest in the political form(and formation) of thought typified,in recent years, by the work of thinkers including Bernard Stiegler and Catherine Malabou.

Other research Interests

  • Modern and contemporaryFrench and Francophone thought and culture
  • Criticaltheory
  • Intellectual history; history ofpolitical thought;history of empire; environmental history
  • Colonialism;postcolonial studies; political ethics
  • History and philosophy of science;historical epistemology; philosophy of history
  • Political geographies; architecture and architectural theory
  • Hermeneutics andinformationtheory;the 'pre-history' of cybernetics (19th-c)
  • Cultural materialism and the work of Raymond Williams.


Prior to beginning his PhD, Toby obtained anundergraduate degree in French and German from University College London, studying at the Sorbonne in his third year, andanMPhilfrom the ϲʿ¼, with athesis onaesthetic strategyandgeo-politics in the Franco-Algerian 'docu-fiction'(1975-2019). Toby has also worked as a translator (also in Paris) and studied in Germany, at theUniversität zu Köln. In 2022, Toby returned to ϲʿ¼ as Crausaz-Wordsworth Scholar in the Humanities at Robinson College, where he is also recipient of a Vice-Chancellor's Award (ϲʿ¼ Trust).

Awards, Scholarships and Prizes

  • Peter Bayley Award - ϲʿ¼ (2024)
  • Vice-Chancellor’s Award - ϲʿ¼ Trust (2022-2025)
  • Crausaz Wordsworth Scholarship in Humanities- Robinson College, ϲʿ¼ (2022-2025)
  • Research Award- Institute of International Visual Art (Iniva) (2021)
  • Jennings Prize - Wolfson College, ϲʿ¼ (2021)


  • 2024.'Catherine Malabou's Historical Epistemology', inParagraph, 47.2, pp.162-177. .
  • 2022. ‘Rabah Ameur-Zaïmeche’s Terminal Sud (2019) and the resurgence of a Franco-Algerian archive’, in Expressions maghrébines, 21. 2, pp. 171-189..


Course supervisor

Seminar leader and course co-ordinator

  • Critical Theory (Tripos Parts IA, IB, and II; on behalf of Trinity, Corpus Christi, Queens', Gonville & Caius, Jesus, Robinsonand Trinity Hall)

Toby welcomes enquiriesfrom students wishing to carry out undergraduate dissertation projects relevant to his research interests.

Selected Papers and *Invited Talks

  • *'La pathologie positive: François-Joseph-Victor Broussais, Algeria and the Problem of Adaptability',Oxford French Graduate Seminar,All Souls College, Oxford, UK, 28 May 2024.
  • 'Form and Function at the Historical Limit: New Modes of Rationality in Contemporary French Thought', Society for French Studies (SFS) Graduate Conference, King's College London, London, UK, 19 May 2023.
  • ''Memory Supports'and'Agents of Belief': The Technical Economy of Culture in Bernard Stiegler'sLa technique et le temps(1994-2001) and Marie-José Mondzain'sImage, Icône, Economie(1996)', Robinson College, ϲʿ¼MCR/SCR Conference, ϲʿ¼, UK, 28 January 2023.
  • *'Culture as Technology: Technical Affinities in the Work of Bernard Stiegler and Marie-José Mondzain', ϲʿ¼ French Graduate Research Seminar, ϲʿ¼, UK, 2 December 2022.
  • ‘Kader Attia and Colonial Repair’, Institute of International Visual Arts (Iniva), Future Collect Conference: Handle with Care, Manchester Art Gallery, Manchester, UK, 25 November 2021.
Conference Panels
  • Panel co-chair for ‘(Post)colonial Legacies' session, ϲʿ¼ French Graduate Conference, ϲʿ¼, 13 January 2023.


Since 2022, Toby has deliveredoutreach sessions on behalf of the ϲʿ¼MMLL Faculty, which have seen him share research withprospective undergraduate applicants in Modern Languages (17-18), and teachers of French A-Level:

  • 'Film between France and Algeria: Rabah Ameur-ZaÏmeche', Diversity in French and Francophone Studies: A CPD workshop for teachers of French. ϲʿ¼ / Association of Modern and Contemporary France (ASMCF). 20 February 2023.
  • ‘La rencontre Algérie-France: Aesthetic Strategy in Terminal Sud (2019) andLa Bataille d’Alger (1966)’. Why Not Languages? @ Cam,ϲʿ¼. 21 June 2022.

Other projects, activities and roles

In Summer 2024, Toby joined the Executive Committee of , taking up the role ofPostgraduate Officer.In 2023-24, Toby was the Society's Conference Assistant and co-organiser, with Dr Kate Foster (QMUL),of the 65th Society for French Studies Annual Conference ().

Since 2022, Toby has beenco-convenor, alongside Professor Emma Wilson and Maddison Sumner, of the ϲʿ¼ Modern French Research Seminar (MFRS);in 2023-24, he also co-convenedof the ϲʿ¼ French Graduate Research Seminar (FGRS).

In Lent Term 2024, Toby co-organised the cross-Faculty and cross-School research seminar series 'Transhistorical Humanities? Methods in Conversation'. Funded bythe MMLL Faculty Cross-Faculty Research Seminar fund and held at King's College, ϲʿ¼, theseries brought together leading academics working acrosslanguages and historical time periods to reflect on questions of method, historicity and disciplinarity,and their broader relation to the contemporary humanities.