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SP13 Reading List

Please note that what follows is an generalreading list for the post-1970speriod covered byPart II Paper SP13 (Contemporary Latin American Culture). Students arenot expected to read all of these works.

The specificreadings covered by the lectures, and that you are likely to work on in supervisions,are published in the summer before the start ofthe academic year.

This paper is divided into two sections:

Candidates will be required to answer three questions, at least one from each section, and at least one of which must relate in whole or ina substantial proportionto literature. "Substantial" here means that at least one of theprimary works discussed in your essay scriptshould be a literary text.Lectures will not necessarily be offered on all the authors and themes listed below.As in anyexamination, you should not repeat any significant amount of material from one question to another (for example, if you answer a question on a specific author, artist or director, you should not then undertake analysis of one of his/her works for a topics question, although brief reference is acceptable).You should also not answer exclusively for any one question on texts whichyou may have studied for the Part Ib Topics in Latin American Culture paper (SP5).

Some introductory and general works

  • Jean Franco,Cruel Modernity(2014)
  • Nelly Richard,Residuosymetáforas-ensayosdecríticaculturalsobreel Chile de latransición(1998)
  • IdelberAvelar,The Untimely Present: Post-dictatorial Latin American Fiction and the Task of Mourning(1999)
  • CarlosMonsiváis,Aires defamilia:culturaysociedadenAméricaLatina(2000)
  • FrancineMasiello,The Art of Transition: Latin American Culture and Neoliberal Crisis(2001).
  • GeorgeGugelberger(ed.)The Real Thing: Testimonial Discourse and Latin America(1996)
  • Roberto González Echevarría and Enrique Pupo-Walker, eds., The ϲʿ¼ History of Latin American Literature (CUP, 1996), 3 volumes. You will find vol. 2 particularly useful for movements and authors. Volume 3 has full bibliographies.
  • John King (ed.) Modern Latin American Fiction: A Survey (Faber & Faber)
  • William Rowe and Vivian Schelling Memory and Modernity: Popular Culture in Latin America (1991)
  • Julio Ortega Poetics of change(1984)

Section A: Topics in Contemporary Latin American Culture

The following lists alltwelve of the topics for which there will be questions in Section A of Paper SP13, together with suggestions of possible authors/texts which could fruitfully be compared within each topic.

The suggestions for study are not meant to be either exhaustive or prescriptive: students may answer on any suitable texts, but are advised to discuss the choice of texts on which they may be planning to answer with their supervisor during the course of their year's work. In particular, students who took SP5 (Topics in Latin American Culture) in their second year, should not rely on texts they studied for that paper in their answers to the Topics below.

Further suggestions for reading in these topics may be found under the entries for the individual authors concerned.

La novela de la dictadura

  • Gabriel García Márquez (Colombia), El otoño del patriarca
  • Augusto Roa Bastos (Paraguay), Yo el supremo
  • Luisa Valenzuela (Argentina), Cola de lagartija
  • Cristina Peri Rossi (Uruguay), La nave de los locos
  • Alejo Carpentier (Cuba), El recurso del método
  • Mario Vargas Llosa (Perú), La fiesta del chivo
  • Marta Traba, En cualquier lugar


  • Mario Benedetti, El recurso del supremo patriarca (1979)
  • Angel Rama, Los dictadores latinoamericanos (1976)
  • Paul Verdevoye, Caudillos, caciques et dictateurs dans le roman hispanoaméricain
  • Conrado Zuloaga, Novelas del dictador, dictadores de la novela
  • Roberto González Echevarría,The Voice of the Masters
  • Elia Geoffrey Kantaris, The Subversive Psyche (1996)
  • Adriana Sandoval, Los dictadores y la dictadura en la novela hispanoamericana (1851-1978) (México, 1989)

Latin American Urban Culture

  • Fernando Vallejo, La Virgen de los sicarios (Colombia, 1994),El fuego secreto(1986) (inEl rio del tiempo(1999)).
  • César Aira, La villa (Argentina, 2001)
  • Jorge Franco Ramos, Rosario Tijeras (2004)
  • Roberto Bolaño, Los detectives salvajes (1998)
  • Rodrigo Rey Rosa, Noche de piedras (2002) and Ningún lugar sagrado (1999)
  • Alonso Salazar, No nacimos pa’semillia (1992) and Medellín: las subculturas del narcotráfico (1998)

AND/OR Cinema

Films can be viewed in the Langugage Laboratory (check the on-line catalogue) and,by prior arrangement,in the audiovisualarchive of the Centre of Latin American Studies.

  • Héctor Babenco, Pixote (Brazil, 1981)
  • Francisco Atthié, Lolo (México, 1992)
  • Eliseo Subiela, El lado oscuro del corazón (Argentina, 1992)
  • Fernando Sariñana, Hasta morir (México, 1994)
  • Adrián Caetano and Bruno Stagnaro,Pizza, birra, faso(Argentina, 1998)
  • Alejandro González Iñárritu, Amores perros (México, 2001)
  • Fabián Bielinsky, Nueve reinas (Argentina, 2001)
  • Beto Brant, O Invasor (Brazil, 2002)
  • Fernando Meirelles and Kátia Lund, Cidade de Deus (Brazil, 2002)
  • Fernando Pérez, Suite Habana (Cuba, 2003)
  • Sergio Cabrera,La estrategia del caracol(Colombia, 1993), Perder es cuestión de método (Colombia, 2004)
  • Víctor Gaviria,Rodrigo D. No futuro(Colombia, 1990), La vendedora de rosas (Colombia, 1998),Sumas y restas(Colombia, 2004)
  • Carlos Reygadas, Batalla en el cielo (Mexico, 2004)
  • Marcos Prado,Estamira(documentary, Brazil, 2004)
  • Carlos Moreno,Perro come perro(Colombia, 2008)
  • Alex Rivera,Sleep Dealer(USA/Mexico, 2008)
  • Pablo Trapero, Mundo grúa (Argentina, 1999),Elefante blanco(Argentina, 2011)

Fernando Solanas, Sur (Argentina, 1988) could also be used for this topic, but if you do so you should not then use it for the 'Post-Dictatorship Argentine Cinema' topic. Students should not use Cronos, Íntimo terror, or Últimas imágenes for this topic due to overlap with Part Ib SP5 (Topics in Latin American Culture).

Rewriting History

  • Tomás Eloy Martínez (Argentina), La novela de Perón, Santa Evita
  • Ricardo Piglia (Argentina), Respiración artificial
  • Abel Posse (Argentina), Los perros del paraíso
  • Gabriel García Márquez, El general en su laberinto


  • Seymour Menton, Latin America’s New Historical Novel (University of Texas, 1993)
  • Daniel Balderston, ed., The Historical Novel in Latin America (1986)

Post-dictatorship Argentine Cinema

A selection of films on video will be available for viewing in the Language Laboratory and/or the Centre of Latin American Studies, and and some may be screened. The following films are suggested as an initial selection:

  • Alejandro Agresti Boda secreta, 1989.
  • María Luisa Bemberg Camila, 1984, Miss Mary, 1986.
  • Luis Puenzo La historia oficial, 1986.
  • Fernando Solanas Sur, 1988.
  • Eliseo Subiela Hombre mirando al sudeste, 1986.
  • Lita Stantic, Un muro de silencio, 1993.
  • Albertina Carri, Los rubios, 2003.


  • John King, Magical Reels: A History of Cinema in Latin America (London, 1990)
  • Zuzana Pick, The New Latin American Cinema: A Continental Project (Texas, 1993)
  • David William Foster, Contemporary Argentine Cinema (1992)

Escritura femenina

  • Luisa Valenzuela (Argentina), Como en la guerra (1977),Cola de lagartija (1983)
  • Rosario Ferré (Puerto Rico), Papeles de Pandora (1976)
  • Diamela Eltit (Chile), Vaca sagrada (1991), Por la patria (1986)
  • Cristina Peri Rossi (Uruguay), La nave de los locos(1984), Solitario de amor (1989)
  • Laura Restrepo (Colombia), La novia oscura (1999), La multitud errante (2001), Delirio (2004)
  • Armonía Somers (Uruguay), Sólo los elefantes encuentran mandrágora (1986), Viaje al corazón del día (1986)
  • Isabel Allende (Chile), Eva Luna


  • Patricia Elena González and Eliana Ortega, eds., La sartén por el mango: encuentro de escritoras latinoamericanas (Rio Piedras, 1985)
  • Anny Brooksbank Jones and Catherine Davies, eds, Latin American Womenís Writing: Feminist Readings in Theory and Crisis (Oxford, 1996)
  • Francine Masiello, Between Civilization and Barbarism: Women, Nation and Literary Criticism (1992)
  • Jean Franco, Plotting Women: Gender and Representation in Mexico (Verso: London, 1989)
  • Susan Barnett, ed., Knives and Angels: Women Writers in Latin America (London, 1990)
  • Debra Castillo, Talking Back: Toward a Latin American iterary Criticism (Ithaca, 1992)
  • Geoffrey Kantaris, The Subversive Psyche (Oxford, 1996)
  • Cynthia Steele, Politics, Gender, and the Mexican Novel, 1968 - 1988 (University of Texas, 1992)

Popular culture

  • Manuel Puig (Argentina), Boquitas pintadas, El beso de la mujer araña, The Buenos Aires Affair,La traición de Rita Hayworth.
  • Ana Lydia Vega (Puerto Rico), "Pollito Chicken" and "Pasión de historia"
  • Edgardo Rodriguez Julia (Puerto Rico),El entierro de Cortijo
  • Laura Esquivel (México), Como agua para chocolate
  • Luis Rafael Sánchez, La guaracha del Macho Camacho
  • Alberto Fuguet (Chile), McOndo (1996, ed. with Sergio Gómez), Por favor rebobinar (1998)


  • García Canclini, Culturas populares en el capitalismo (1981), Culturas híbridas (1989), La globalización imaginada (1999)
  • Jameson, Fredric, Postmodernism, or, The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism (1991)
  • Kantaris and O'Bryen, Latin American Popular Culture: Politics, Media, Affect (2013)
  • Martín Barbero, Jesús, De los medios a las mediaciones (1987)
  • O’Bryen, Rory, ‘McOndo, Magical Neoliberalism and Latin American Identity’, Bulletin of Latin American Research 30.1 (March 2011): 158–74
  • Rowe and Schelling, Memory and Modernity: Popular Culture in Latin America (1991)
  • Sarlo, Beatriz, Escenas de la vida posmoderna: intelectuales, arte y videocultura en la Argentina, Buenos Aires: Ariel, 1994
  • Williams, Gareth, The Other Side of the Popular (2002)


  • Ricardo Pozas, Juan Pérez Jolote, biografía de un tzotzil (1952)
  • Miguel Barnet, Biografía de un cimarrón (1968)
  • Elena Poniatowska, Hasta no verte, Jesús mío (1969)
  • Elizabeth Burgos, Me llamo Rigoberta Menchú (1983)
  • Alfredo Molano, Los años del tropel (1991); Desterrados (2001)


  • René Jara and Hernán Vidal, eds., Testimonio y literatura (Minneapolis, 1986)
  • Arias, Arturo ed., The Rigoberta Menchú Controversy (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press,2001).
  • Beverley, John, Against Literature (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1993).
  • González Echevarría, Roberto, “Biografía de un cimarrón and the Novel of the Cuban Revolution” in The Voice of the Masters: Writing and Authority in Modern Latin American Literature (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1985), pp. 113-133.
  • Gugelberger, Georg M. ed., The Real Thing: Testimonial Discourse and Latin America (Durham: Duke University Press, 1996).
  • Molloy, Sylvia, At Face Value: Autobiographical Writing in Spanish America (ϲʿ¼: CUP, 1991).
  • Sommer, Doris, “Rigoberta’s Secrets”, Latin American Perspectives, (18): 70, pp. 32-50.
  • Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty, “Can the Subaltern Speak?” in Marxism and the Interpretation of Culture, C. Nelson and L. Grossberg Eds (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1988), pp. 271-313.
  • Stoll, David, Rigoberta Menchú and the Story of All Poor Guatemalans (Boulder and Oxford:Westview Press, 1999).
  • Yúdice, George, “Testimonio and Postmodernism”, Latin American Perspectives, (18): 7-, 15-31

Queer Textualities

  • Reinaldo Arenas (Cuba) – El mundo alucinante; Celestino antes del alba; El palacio de las blanquísimas mofetas; Antes que anochezca
  • Jaime Bayly (Perú) – Fue ayer y no me acuerdo; No se lo digas a nadie
  • Mario Bellatín (México) – El gran vidrio
  • José Donoso (Chile) – El lugar sin límites
  • Pedro Lemebel (Chile) – La esquina es mi corazón, Tengo miedo torero, Loco afán: crónicas de un sidario
  • Sylvia Molloy (Argentina) – En breve cárcel
  • Senel Paz (Cuba) – El lobo, el bosque y el hombre nuevo
  • Cristina Peri Rossi (Uruguay) – La nave de los locos; Solitario de amor
  • Manuel Puig (Argentina) – El beso de la mujer araña
  • Arturo Ripstein (México) – El lugar sin límites [film]
  • Fernando Vallejo (Colombia) – La Virgen de los sicarios, El desbarrancadero; El fuego secreto
  • Luis Zapata (México) – El vampiro de la Colonia Roma; En jirones
  • Nestor Perlongher,Prosa plebeya
  • Diamela Eltit,El cuarto mundo

Decline and Fall of the Lettered City

  • Diamela Eltit, ܳé (1983)
  • Tununa Mercado, En estado de memoria (1990)
  • Ricardo Piglia, Respiración artificial (1980), El último lector
  • Bolaño, Roberto, La literatura nazi en América (1996), Estrella distante (1996), Los detectives salvajes (1998), Amuleto (1999), Nocturno de Chile (2000), 2666 (2006)
  • Rodrigo Rey Rosa, El material humano
  • Fernando Vallejo, La Virgen de los sicarios (1994)


  • Idelber Avelar, The Untimely Present (1999)
  • Jean Franco, The Decline and Fall of the Lettered City (2002)
  • Eduardo Galeano, El libro de los abrazos (1989)
  • Walter Mignolo, The idea of Latin America (2005)
  • Ángel Rama, La ciudad letrada (1984)
  • Roberto Bolaño, Entre paréntesis (2004)
  • Patricia Espinosa, Territorios en fuga: estudios críticos sobre Roberto Bolaño (2003)
  • Richard, Nelly, La insubordinación de los signos (1994)
  • John Beverley, Against Literature
  • Francine Masiello, The Art of Transition

Post-modern Ecologies: Nature and Popular Culture After the Boom

  • Luis Sepúlveda, Un viejo que leía novelas de amor (1993), Mundo del fin del mundo (1994)
  • Rodrigo Rey Rosa, Cárcel de árboles (1991), Lo que soñó Sebastián (1994)


  • Néstor García Canclini, La globalización imaginada (1999)
  • Carlos J. Alonso, The Spanish American Regional Novel: Modernity and Autochthony (1990), The Burden of Modernity: The Rhetoric of Cultural Discourse in Spanish America (1998)
  • Kate Soper,What is Nature? (1995)
  • Timothy Morton,Ecology without Nature(2007)

Post-Boom Detective Fiction

  • Leonardo Padura Fuentes (Cuba): Pasado Perfecto (1991); á (1997); Vientos de cuaresma (1994); Pasaje de otoño (1998); Adiós Hemingway (2006)
  • Ricardo Piglia (Argentina): La ciudad ausente (1992); Plata quemada (1997)
  • Mario Mendoza (Colombia): Scorpio City (1995)
  • Santiago Gamboa (Colombia): Perder es cuestión de método (1997)
  • Fernando Spiner, dir. (Argentina): La sonámbula [film] (1998)
  • Luis Ospina, dir.(Colombia): Soplo de vida [film] (1999)
  • Sergio Cabrera, dir.(Colombia):Perder es cuestión de método [film] (2004)
  • Paco Ignacio Taibo II (Mexico): Días de combate (2004); Los muertos incómodos (2005)
  • Jorge Navas, dir. (Colombia): La sangre y la lluvia [film] (2009)
  • [From Brazil and in Portuguese:RubemFonseca:Agosto(1990); "Domeiodomundoprostitutosóamoresguardeiaomeucharuto" (1997, novella);Diáriode umFescenino(2003); "Mandrake: ABíbliae abengala" (2005, novella)]


  • Carlos Uxo, ed. The Detective Fiction of Leonardo Padura Fuentes. (Manchester: Manchester Met UP 2006)
  • Stephen Wilkinson, Detective Fiction in Cuban Society and Culture (Oxford & Berne: Peter Lang, 2006)
  • Close, Glen S., “The Detective is Dead. Long Live the Novela Negra!” in Craig-Odders, Collins and Close Eds, Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Detective Fiction (London: 2006)
  • Ludmer, Josefina, El cuerpo del delito (Buenos Aires: 1999)
  • Piglia, Ricardo, "Sobre el género policial", Crítica y ficción (Buenos Aires: 1993)
  • Simpson, Amelia S., Detective Fiction From Latin America (London: 1990)
  • Swanson, Philip, The New Novel in Latin America: Politics and Popular Culture after the Boom (Manchester, 1995)

Pathways of Testimony and Memory in Latin American Art [not lectured on in 2021-2022]

Information on this topic to follow.

Section B: Writers,Film Directors, and Artists

  • Manuel Puig
  • Cristina Peri Rossi
  • Ricardo Piglia
  • Luisa Valenzuela
  • Diamela Eltit
  • Roberto Bolaño
  • César Aira
  • Laura Restrepo
  • Patricio Guzman [to replace lectures onFernando Solanasin 2021-2022]
  • Doris Salcedo
  • Fernando Vallejo
  • Roberto Matta [not covered in 2021-2022]

Manuel Puig (Argentina, 1933 - 1990)

  • Boquitas pintadas (1967)
  • The Buenos Aires Affair (1973)
  • El beso de la mujer araña (1976)
  • Pubis angelical (1979)


  • Pamela Bacarisse, The Necessary Dream (1988)
  • Impossible Choices (1993)
  • Lucille Kerr, Suspended Fictions (1987)
  • Patricia Jesse, La realidad en al novelística de Manuel Puig
  • Paul Julian Smith, The Body Hispanic, and Representing the Other

Cristina Peri Rossi (Uruguay, 1941- )

  • La tarde del dinosaurio (1976)
  • La rebelión de los niños (1980)
  • El museo de los esfuerzos inútiles (1983)
  • La nave de los locos (1984)
  • Una pasión prohibida (1986)
  • Solitario de amor (1989)
  • La última noche de Dostoievski (1992)
  • Poesía reunida (2005), especially Evohé, Diáspora, Descripción de un naufragio, Babel bárbara, Otra vez Eros, Estado de exilio
  • Cuentos reunidos (2007), especially Los museos abandonados, Indicios pánicos, El museo de los esfuerzos inútiles, Una pasión prohibida


  • Sophie McClennen, Dialectics of Exile (2004)
  • Claire Lindsay, Locating Latin American Women Writers (2003)
  • Geoffrey Kantaris, The Subversive Psyche (1996)
  • Christine Henseler, Contemporary Spanish Women’s Narrative and the Publishing Industry (2003)
  • Amy Kaminsky, Reading the Body Politic (1993), After Exile: Writing the Latin American Diaspora
  • Parizad Tamara Dejbord, Cristina Peri Rossi: Escritora del exilio (1998)

Ricardo Piglia (Argentina, 1941- )

  • Respiración artificial (1980)
  • La ciudad ausente (1992)
  • Plata quemada (1997)


  • Piglia, Crítica y ficcion (1986), La Argentina en pedazos (1993), Formas breves (1999), El último lector (2005)
  • María Antonieta Pereira, Ricardo Piglia y sus precursores (2001)
  • Adriana Rodríguez Pérsico, introduction to Piglia, Cuentos morales (1995)
  • Santiago Colás, Postmodernity in Latin America: The Argentine Paradigm (1994)
  • Isabel Quintana, Figuras de la experiencia en el fin de siglo: Cristina Peri Rossi, Ricardo Piglia, Juan Jose´ Saer, Silvina Santiago (2001)

Luisa Valenzuela (Argentina, 1938-)

Since Cambio de armas is studied for Part Ib Paper SP5 (Topics in Latin American Culture), you should avoid using this text (other thanas aside reference) in examination answers on Luisa Valenzuela.

  • Aquí pasan cosas raras (1975)
  • Como en la guerra (1977)
  • Cambio de armas (1982)
  • Cola de lagartija (1983)
  • Realidad nacional desde la cama (1990)
  • Novela negra con argentinos (1990)
  • ٰí (1993)
  • La travesía (2001)


  • Valenzuela, ‘The Other Face of the Phallus’ in Chevigny and Laguardia, eds, Reinventing the Americas (1986)
  • Gwendolyn Díaz and María Inés Lagos, eds, La palabra en vilo: narrativa de Luisa Valenzuela (1996)
  • Elia Geoffrey Kantaris, The Subversive Psyche: Contemporary Women's Narrative from Argentina and Uruguay (1995)

Fernando Solanas (Argentina, 1936-)

  • La hora de los hornos (1968)
  • Tangos, el exilio de Gardel (1985)
  • Sur (1988)
  • El viaje (1992)
  • La nube (1998)
  • Memoria del saqueo (2004)


  • Octavio Getino and Susana Velleggia, El cine de las historias de la revolución: aproximación a las teorías y prácticas del cine político en América Latina (1967-1977) (2002)
  • John King, Magical Reels: A History of Cinema in Latin America (2000)
  • Michael T. Martin, ed., New Latin American Cinema, Volume One: Theory, Practices and Transcontinental Practices (1997)
  • David William Foster, Contemporary Argentine Cinema (1992)

Roberto Bolaño (Chile, 1953- Spain 2003)

  • La literatura nazi en América (1996)
  • Estrella distante (1997)
  • Los detectives salvajes (1998)
  • Amuleto (1999)
  • Putas asesinas (2001)
  • Nocturno de Chile (2000)
  • El gaucho insufrible (2003)
  • 2666 (2004)
  • El secreto del mal (2007)
  • La universidad desconocida (2007)


  • Avelar, Idelber, The Untimely Present: Post-dictatorial Latin American Fiction and the Task of Mourning (Duke: 1999)
  • Black, Joel, The Aesthetics of Murder: Romantic Literature and Contemporary Culture (London: 1991)
  • Close, Glen S., “The Detective is Dead. Long Live the Novela Negra!” in Craig-Odders, Collins and Close Eds, Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Detective Fiction (London: 2006)
  • Herralde, Jorge, Para Roberto Bolaño (Villegas: 2005) – includes interviews and a “Diccionario Bolaño”.
  • Manzoni, Celina, Roberto Bolaño: La escritura como tauromaquia (Buenos Aires: 2006).
  • Edmundo Paz-Soldán et al. Bolaño salvaje (2008)
  • Nelly Richard, La insubordinación de los signos; Residuos y metáforas
  • Eugenia Brito, Campos minados: Literatura post-golpe en Chile (Santiago: Cuarto propio, 1994).

Laura Restrepo (Colombia,1950 -)

  • Leopardo al sol (1993)
  • La novia oscura (1999)
  • La multitud errante (2001)
  • Delirio (2004)
  • Hot Sur (2013)


  • Lindsay, Claire,“Clear and Present Danger: Trauma, Memory and Laura Restrepo's La novia oscura”, Hispanic Resesrch Journal (2003), 41-58
  • Martin, Deborah, “Mothers and Nomadic Subjects: Configurations of Identity and Desire in Laura Restrepo’s La novia oscura”, The Modern Languages Review 103.1 (January 2008), 113-128
  • O’Bryen, Rory, Literature, Testimony and Cinema in Contemporary Colombian Culture: Spectres of La Violencia (Tamesis Books, 2008)

Patricio Guzman(Chile, 1941-)

  • La batalla de Chile(1975, 1977, 1979)
  • Chile, la memoria obstinada(1997)
  • Nostalgia de la luz(2010)
  • El boton de nacar(2015)
  • La cordillera de los sueños(2019)


  • Andermann, Jens.2012. Expanded Fields: Postdictatorship and the Landscape.Journal of Latin American Studies: Travesıa21(2): 165–87.
  • Epps, Brad.2017.The Unbearable Lightness of Bones: Memory, Emotion, and Pedagogy in Patricio Guzmán’sChile, La Memoria ObstinadaandNostalgia De La Luz, Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies, 26:4, 483-502
  • Gomez-Barris, Macarena.2012. Atacama Remains and Post Memory.Media Fields Journal5: 1–17
  • Pino-Ojeda, Walescka, and Mariana Ortega Bre2009. Latent Image: ChileanCinema and the Abject.Latin American Perspectives36(5): 133–46.
  • Ruffinelli, Jorge.2008.El cine de Patricio Guzman: En busca de las imagenes verdaderasSantiago: Uqbar Editores.

César Aira (Argentina, 1943 - ) [not lectured on in 2021-2022]

  • Cómo me hice monja (1993)

  • El congreso de literatura (1999)
  • La costurera y el viento (1994)
  • Las curas milagrosas del doctor Aira : novela (1998)
  • Ema, la cautiva (1981)
  • La liebre (1991)
  • El llanto (1992)
  • El mago (2002)
  • La mendiga (1998)
  • Un sueño realizado (2001)
  • Varamo (2002)
  • La villa (2001)
  • Yo era una chica moderna (2004)


  • Estrin, Laura, César Aira: el realismo y sus extremos (1999)
  • Contreras, Sandra, Vueltas de César Aira (2002)
  • García, Mariano, Degeneraciones Textuales: Los Generos En La Obra De Cesar Aira (2006)

Diamela Eltit (Chile 1949- )

  • ܳé (1983)
  • Por la patria (1986)
  • El cuarto mundo (1988)
  • El padre mío (1989)
  • Vaca sagrada (1990)
  • Los vigilantes (1994)
  • Los trabajadores de la muerte (1998)


  • Cróquer Pedrón, Eleonora, Gesto de Antígona o la escritura como responsabilidad : Clarice Lispector, Diamela Eltit y Carmen Boullosa (2000)
  • Gisela, Norat, Marginalities: Diamela Eltit and the Subversion of Mainstream Literature in Chile (2002)
  • Morales T., Leonidas, Novela chilena contemporánea: José Donoso y Diamela Eltit (2004)

Doris Salcedo (Colombia 1958 - )

  • Gloria Zea and Álvaro Medina (Eds), Arte y violencia en Colombia desde 1948 (Bogotá: Grupo Editorial Norma, 1999)
  • Princenthal, Nancy, Doris Salcedo (2000)
  • Bradley, Jessica and Andreas Hyssen, Displacements : Miroslaw Balka, Doris Salcedo, Rachel Whiteread (1998)
  • Cameron, Dan and David Heald, Doris Salcedo (1998)
  • Mengham, Rod, Doris Salcedo (2007)

Fernando Vallejo (Colombia 1942-)

  • El río del tiempo – includes Los días azules (1985); El fuego secreto (1987); Los caminos a Roma (1987);Años de indulgencia (1988); Entre fantasmas (1993)
  • La Virgen de los sicarios (1994)
  • El desbarrancadero (2001)
  • La Rambla Paralela (2002)
  • Barba Jacob, el mensajero (1984 – biography) and Chapolas negras (biography of José Asunción Silva – 1995)


  • Balibar, Étienne (1998). ‘Violence, Ideality, Cruelty’, New Formations, (35): 7-18.
  • Bhabha, Homi K. (1994). The Location of Culture. London and New York: Routledge.
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