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Expressing the Self: Activities

Talks and presentations

  • Jaszczolt, K. M., '',10th Meeting of the Polish Cognitive Association25 September 2014. (keynote)
  • Jaszczolt, K. M., '',Linguistics Research Seminar, University of Manchester, 27 January 2015. (invited)
  • Jaszczolt, K. M. and M. Huang, '',American Philosophical Association Pacific Division Meeting, Vancouver, 4 April 2015. (invited)
  • Jaszczolt, K. M., '',4th International Conference on Philosophy of Language and Linguistics, Lodz, 15 May 2015.
  • Jaszczolt, K. M., ''ϲʿ¼ Linguistics Forum, 28 May 2015.
  • Christofaki, R., 'The Challenge of Japanese Person Terms: Pronouns or Not?'Summer School Pronouns: Syntax, Semantics, Processing, Moscow, 16-19 June 2015. (poster)
  • Christofaki, R., 'The Challenge of Japanese Person Terms: Pronouns or Not?'Semantics, Pragmatics and Philosophy Workshop, ϲʿ¼, 24 June 2015.
  • Christofaki, R., 'Expressing the Self in Japanese vis-à-vis the indexicality of thought'14th International Pragmatics Association Conference, Antwerp, 29 July 2015. SessionThe Dynamics of Self-Expression across Languages
  • Huang, M. and K. M. Jaszczolt,14th International Pragmatics Association Conference, Antwerp, 29 July 2015. SessionThe Dynamics of Self-Expression across Languages
  • Jaszczolt, K. M. ''.14thInternational PragmaticsAssociation Conference, Antwerp, 31 July2015.
  • Christofaki, R., 'Expressing the self in Japanese vis-à-vis the indexicality of thought',Semantics and Philosophy in Europe 8, ϲʿ¼, 17 September 2015. SessionExpressing the Self: Linguistic and Philosophical Aspects
  • Huang, M. 'GenericOneand the Degrees of Detached Self-Reference',Semantics and Philosophy in Europe 8, ϲʿ¼, 17 September 2015. SessionExpressing the Self: Linguistic and Philosophical Aspects
  • Jaszczolt, K. M. '',Semantics and Philosophy in Europe 8, ϲʿ¼, 17 September 2015. SessionExpressing the Self: Linguistic and Philosophical Aspects
  • Jaszczolt, K. M. '',14th China Pragmatics Conference, Hefei, October 2015. (Keynote address)
  • Huang, M. 'Referential variability of the generic "one"', Semantics, Pragmatics and Philosophy Cluster, ϲʿ¼, 23 November 2015.
  • Christofaki, R.‘Self-reference: insights from Japanese, questions for beyond’. WorkshopPutting Fieldwork on Indigenous Languages to New Uses, University ofCampinas, Brazil, 30 March 2016.(poster)
  • Jaszczolt, K. M.,Invited Book Symposium on Jaszczolt, K. M.,Meaning in Linguistic Interaction: Semantics, Metasemantics, Philosophy of Language.American Philosophical Association conference, Pacific Division, San Francisco, 30 March 2016.
  • Jaszczolt, K. M.,,Pragmasophia.First International Conference in Pragmatics andPhilosophy, Palermo, 16 May 2016. (Keynote)
  • Huang, M. 'Levels of self-awareness and de se thoughts', Pragmasophia.First International Conference in Pragmatics andPhilosophy, Palermo, 16 May 2016.
  • Christofaki, R.‘The self and its meaning(s): insights from Japanese’ Semantics, Pragmatics and Philosophy Workshop, ϲʿ¼, 2 June 2016.
  • Christofaki, R.‘The self and its meaning, insights from Japanese’ Context, Cognition and Communication (CCC) Conference, Institute of Philosophy, University of Warsaw, 18 June 2016.
  • Huang, M. 'Levels of self-awareness andde sethoughts', 1st Context, Cognition and Communication Conference, Warsaw, 18 June 2016.
  • Christofaki, R.‘The self and its meaning: insights from Japanese’ Themed sessionTruth-conditions and perspectival meaning, Linguistics Association of Great Britain (LAGB) conference, York, 6-9 September 2016.
  • Jaszczolt, K. M. ''International workshopWhat is said - What is meant, Humboldt University, Berlin (invited), September 2016.
  • Christofaki, R.‘Different languages, different selves?’ ϲʿ¼Festival of Ideas,22 October 2016.
  • Christofaki, R.‘Self-reference: insights from Japanese to beyond’,American Pragmatics Association Conference(AmPra3), Indiana University, Bloomington USA, 4-6 November 2016.
  • Huang, M. 'Charting the speaker-relatedness of impersonal pronouns',American Pragmatics Association Conference(AmPra3), Bloomington, 4-6 November 2016.
  • Jaszczolt,K. M.''American Pragmatics Association Conference(AmPra3),Bloomington, 4-6 November 2016.
  • M.Witekand K.M.Jaszczolt. ‘Strategies of self-reference: A speech-act-theoretic account’.Cognition and Communication Research GroupSeminar, University of Szczecin, Poland (invited), 28 February 2017.
  • M. Huang. "Aspects of the self in de se communication and Beyond" Workshop: The Problem of the De Se: Perspectives from Linguistics and Philosophy, CSMN, University of Oslo, 9 March 2017
  • K.M. Jaszczolt and M. Huang. "First-Person Indexical in Mixed Quotation: A Case for Radical Contextualism?" Workshop: The Problem of the De Se: Perspectives from Linguistics and Philosophy, CSMN, University of Oslo, 10 March 2017
  • K.M. Jaszczolt. . Meaning, Context and Cognition Conference, University of Łódź, Poland (invited keynote), 21 April 2017

Organised workshops and conferences

  • TheEighth Semantics and Philosophy in Europe colloquium(SPE8), 17-19 September 2015,NewnhamCollege, ϲʿ¼. (Jaszczolt, Huang and Christofaki).
  • Special Session on Expressing the self: Philosophical and linguistic aspects, within,17September 2015, in Newnham College, ϲʿ¼. (Huang and Jaszczolt).
  • Panel onThe Dynamics of Self Expression Across Languages, within the 14th International Pragmatics Conference, 27-31 July 2015, Belgium.(Huang andJaszczolt).
  • Panel on Adaptability, Contextualism, and the Composition of Discourse Meaning, within the14thInternational Pragmatics Conference, 27-31 July 2015, Belgium.(Jaszczolt).
  • Semantics, Pragmatics & Philosophy Cluster Workshop, 2-3 June 2016, Newnham College, ϲʿ¼. (Christofaki and Huang).
  • Themed sessionTruth-Conditions and Perspectival Meaning, Linguistics Association of Great Britain, September 2016.
  • WorkshopThe Problem of the De Se: Perspectives from Linguistics and Philosophy, March 2017, Centre for the Study of Mind in Nature, University of Oslo (jointly organised by the project team and CSMN).